Update: April 4-5 Weekend is booked. I will not be available on April 11-12 (Holyweek)
I am currently expanding my portfolio and I'm looking to have photos of couples outdoors. It can be used either for your pre-nup/engagement pictorial or just to have some professional quality photos for you and your love one.
Rates and freebies after the jump.
Let me give you a rundown of the services that will be provided:
Pre-nup/engagement/couples pictorial using pro DSLR camera and creative lighting
Unlimited shots saved on CD
Free 8x10 print on framed canvass (add Php 500 to upgrade 12x18)
This will also work for individuals who would like to have creative solo outdoor shoots. Photo Session would last for about 3-4 hrs.
All in for Php 2,500*. Promo runs for April and May. The earlier you sched, the better. Hope to hear from you soon!!
Contact me 09285067328, or click here for more contact details.
*Amount stated does not include any out of town transportation fees
Monday, March 30, 2009
Promo: Prenup/Engagement/Couples Package
Monday, March 23, 2009
Events: A Walk for Peace with Jean Beliveau
Had a chance last Sunday to join Jean Beliveau continue his mission of walking around the world for peace. This was his only stop to Manila, Philippines in his 11 year journey around the world.
More photos and his amazing journey after the jump.
Jean has been walking for the last nine years for the benefit of children's charities and foundations. You can read more about his mission here.
In his stop to Manila, his efforts will benefit the Virlanie Foundation. I joined my wife's company in joining this event. I wish my company has the same kinds of activities.
Jean has walked from Canada 9 years ago and has not gone back on his mission to walk around the world. He is probably in Malaysia now, walking the streets. I hope he has a safe trip and I can't wait to see him get back to Canada. Hats off to this guy.
We walked from the historical Rizal Park up to the CCP grounds. We saw a number of famous people, such as Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim and Leo, who was the first filipino ever to got to the summit of Mt. Everest. I even had the chance to carry one of the Walk for Peace Flags.My wife posing with Jean and myself with Mayor Lim. One of the advantages of arriving early...
Also check out http://www.wwwalk.org/ and http://www.virlanie.org/
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Gallery Page is up!
The Gallery Page is Up! Finally! Well its not yet completely done, it's a work in progress. Feel free to click on the link at the left side of this blog to view it.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
How to Navigate the Site
More after the jump
So first things first: the right side of the site. This is where all the shortcut lists to previous posts are located. At the very top is the help links. This is where you can find the introduction of the site, rates, how to navigate the site (this web page you're reading right now) contact information, portfolio page (will be up soon) and other things that I may see fit in the future. Clicking on any of the links will forward you to the specific page that you are looking for.
Right below it are drop down boxes that represent my previous posts by topic ( more on this later). This will help you read posts that are specific of the type of photography that you are looking for. This is very helpful if you are looking for sample photos of assignments that I have completed, or recent projects that I have posted. If you don't want to read the posts, better click on the portfolio link above it to view photos by type of photography (as of 3/15 it's still down, for now, please bear with me by just reading the posts. tnx). Current drop downs are Portraits ( meaning people photography) and Travel (photos I have taken during my recent travels). Up soon will be Product Photography, Events, and a Photography tips page for all you photographer's out there.
This is followed by my blog Archive, which is basically the same as above, only categorized by month/year.
Next is the profile page, which is still not updated, because I'm lazy : ).
Lastly are links to a list of my favourite sites. For now only Strobists (has to be the best blog site in the history of photography and lighting) is there, but I will update this as soon as I can.
Some other Features of the site:
1. Home page Posts are cut short: Posts are cut short in the home page so you can see more blogs. You can read the full post by either clicking the title or the Read More at the bottom part of a particular posts
2. Photos are clickable to view larger copy: This makes the web page load faster for you to read. If you want to see a photo up close, just click on it to get a better view.
For now that's it but I will be adding more features to this part of the site, as we go along.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Portraits: Beauty Queen Maggie Wilson
I had the chance to take some shots of beauty queen Maggie Wilson a few weeks ago during the13th Annual Balloon festival a few weeks ago,. which I blogged about here. She was having a shoot with another photographer and from the looks of it, was for a fashion or glamour piece.
More of this story (and photos) after the jump.
Maggie is this month's cover for FHM Philippines which you can find here.
It was 2pm and the blazing sun was burning my forehead. The balloons were replaced by kites as the heat of the sun could damage the balloons. Nothing really interesting, except for an exhibit from the Armed Forces of the Philippines, showcasing their guns, tanks, jets, missiles etc. I turned the corner outside teh exhibit building to check out the old military jeeps on exhibit when I saw Maggie sitting on top of one of the jeeps! Wow what a bonus. All of a sudden the sun wasn't a problem and I couldn't care less for my now sun burnt forehead. This was a chance that I wouldn't give up. She was nice enough to give me and some other photographers a few poses even if we were not really her actual photographer. She was very beautiful and a really good model too.

Some of the marines joined the action. A few good (and lucky) men indeed.
These are best seen larger. Click on the photos above to get a better view. This set is also part of my portfolio which hopefully will be up soon.
Update: for some reason, the pics above could not be clicked to enlarge. Sorry for that. You will still be able to see this set once the portfolio is up. Thanks.
Contact Me

If you would like to actually hear my oh so lovely voice, then give me a call at (632) 9285067328.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Rates and Pricing: Why you should not Burn a Hole in your Pocket
Look at the photo below. I covered a Halloween Party last October. Aside from the camera, the only equipment I used was a business card taped to my camera's built-in flash to give the photo an even, 3D like lighting. Cost me almost nothing.
How about this photo of beauty queen Maggie Wilson? All I used was my camera and the sun and voila! Nicely shot fashion photo. Cost: next to nothing.
Right now I really don’t have any specific rates for any service. Just to give you a better idea on how much it will cost, I have prepared the following list. Nothing here is fixed, as the rate will depend really on your need. It could go higher or lower, (or who knows even for free). Better give me a call or shoot me an email so we can talk about it, as well as for details of the packages.
Events(Christmas, Corporate, birthdays, etc.) – php3000 for the first 4 hours
On Location shoot(Commercial, Fashion, Glamour, Portraits, etc.) – php5000/day (8hr shoot/day)
Products(for print ads, commercials, banners, etc) – php3000/day (8hr shoot/day)
Prenups – php3000/day (8hr shoot/day)
Weddings – shoot me an email
Portfolio(for models and aspiring models) – shoot me an email
Again all of these are not fixed. If you have any other specific need that does not fit those above, shoot me an email. If you have any interesting projects in mind, let me know.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Travel: 13th Annual Balloon Festival 2009
More after the jump.
I inquired with one of the "pilots" (didn't if this was what they were called) and he said it'll cost us Php 8000/person (about USD$40). Not really a bad deal if you look at it. Then I learned that this does not include any insurance if the balloon ride turns into a thrill ride. I have seen a lot of vids from tv and the net showing balloons crashing, burning while in the air, and getting tangled into street electric cables.
I went back to my wife and told her the most believable excuse I could think of: that they don't allow people to join the flight unless they're properly trained. She believed me. I did tell her later on that I lied, and told her the risks involved.
I was surprised that she wasn't a little bit angry. She later told me that she would like to go bungee jumping instead (yikes).
It was a fun and relaxing day nevertheless. Plus, I got to see (and take some out takes) a photo shoot with model/actress/host/beauty queen Maggie Wilson. Did not know who the photographer was, but I'll post a separate piece on this and post the photogs pic as well as some more photos of Maggie.
As always you can click on the all the photos to get a bigger version for your viewing pleasure.
Got to have some Weed

Til' the next post.