Monday, March 9, 2009

Rates and Pricing: Why you should not Burn a Hole in your Pocket

I really think that you should only pay for two things: the physical output (photobooks, copy’s on cds, printed photos etc) and the photographer’s creativity. In my opinion, no one should pay more just because one is using ultra-expensive equipment. It’s not the camera, it’s the person behind it who dictates what he captures (okay a good camera and good lighting helps, but its still 95% photographer).


Look at the photo below. I covered a Halloween Party last October. Aside from the camera, the only equipment I used was a business card taped to my camera's built-in flash to give the photo an even, 3D like lighting. Cost me almost nothing.

How about this photo of beauty queen Maggie Wilson? All I used was my camera and the sun and voila! Nicely shot fashion photo. Cost: next to nothing.

Right now I really don’t have any specific rates for any service. Just to give you a better idea on how much it will cost, I have prepared the following list. Nothing here is fixed, as the rate will depend really on your need. It could go higher or lower, (or who knows even for free). Better give me a call or shoot me an email so we can talk about it, as well as for details of the packages.

Events(Christmas, Corporate, birthdays, etc.) – php3000 for the first 4 hours

On Location shoot(Commercial, Fashion, Glamour, Portraits, etc.) – php5000/day (8hr shoot/day)

Products(for print ads, commercials, banners, etc) – php3000/day (8hr shoot/day)

Prenups – php3000/day (8hr shoot/day)

Weddings – shoot me an email

Portfolio(for models and aspiring models) – shoot me an email

Again all of these are not fixed. If you have any other specific need that does not fit those above, shoot me an email. If you have any interesting projects in mind, let me know.

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