Saturday, March 14, 2009

How to Navigate the Site

I've been asked a couple of times about thow the site goes. It's still a work in progress but I think I'm coming along fine. I have added some neat links at the right side of the site to help people go to musch more specific pages that they need. I have also updated the site for a much better reading experience.

More after the jump

So first things first: the right side of the site. This is where all the shortcut lists to previous posts are located. At the very top is the help links. This is where you can find the introduction of the site, rates, how to navigate the site (this web page you're reading right now) contact information, portfolio page (will be up soon) and other things that I may see fit in the future. Clicking on any of the links will forward you to the specific page that you are looking for.

Right below it are drop down boxes that represent my previous posts by topic ( more on this later). This will help you read posts that are specific of the type of photography that you are looking for. This is very helpful if you are looking for sample photos of assignments that I have completed, or recent projects that I have posted. If you don't want to read the posts, better click on the portfolio link above it to view photos by type of photography (as of 3/15 it's still down, for now, please bear with me by just reading the posts. tnx). Current drop downs are Portraits ( meaning people photography) and Travel (photos I have taken during my recent travels). Up soon will be Product Photography, Events, and a Photography tips page for all you photographer's out there.

This is followed by my blog Archive, which is basically the same as above, only categorized by month/year.

Next is the profile page, which is still not updated, because I'm lazy : ).

Lastly are links to a list of my favourite sites. For now only Strobists (has to be the best blog site in the history of photography and lighting) is there, but I will update this as soon as I can.

Some other Features of the site:

1. Home page Posts are cut short: Posts are cut short in the home page so you can see more blogs. You can read the full post by either clicking the title or the Read More at the bottom part of a particular posts

2. Photos are clickable to view larger copy: This makes the web page load faster for you to read. If you want to see a photo up close, just click on it to get a better view.

For now that's it but I will be adding more features to this part of the site, as we go along.

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