Update: My entry made it up to the final cut only (out of 700 entries). Not bad. The results were announced here.
If you haven't heard of Strobist, then you're missing a lot of good info on lighting and photography. Now, if you have been reading it, then I would like you to know that one of my photos (above) was chosen as a finalist(screams like an excited little girl).
Alright, for all you late strobist bloomers out there, David Hobby (the guy who coined the term strobist) is running a photography and lighting exercise on his site called Strobist Boot Camp 2. It's basically a list of weekly assignments that you need to complete and submit. He then judges them and picks out a winner. Boot Camp 1 was in '06, so this has been along time coming. For the first assignment, he's giving out prizes as well. Read more here.
The 1st assignment deadline was 2 days ago. I just found out that David tagged my entry as one of the finalists! Click here (for a better view) and here (and with David's note) side by side with my photo ( as it was a requirement) through my flickr stream.
Anyways, there's a lot of other very good photos there. win or lose, I'm pretty happy with what I got and I had fun doing it. I can't wait for the next assignment.