Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hello and Goodbye

My mom visited us in our new condo this last weekend.  Haven't seen her for a few months and I was excited to see her. Incidentally, it was her bithday last and we kinda celebrated it by having lunch and eating her favorite (although bad for her, but hey what's not good for you is what you normally crave for) lechon. I told her she can only eat this once a year, and she did make the best of it.

Also thought of getting some birthday portraits to remember this day.

Here's another with her new bag my brother gave as a gift...

In other news, I said goodbye to my beloved black straw snoot. It was a good 5 months, and it served me well. Took one final shot of it for you to see how used it has been.


I have an idea for another snoot, this time not involving sticking together 100  straws. I'll keep you posted.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

After the Storm

A couple of storm has passed. And although we always get hit by one ever so frequently, this one hit too close to home.  I hope everyone is safe and okay. Please pray for those who have been affected and those who may still be tormented by typhoon Parma.

Photo above is the view from the back of my new condo. That was farm land before, but was turned into a deep pond last week.