Monday, February 21, 2011

An Incredible and Inspiring 18-year Photography Project

Photos copyright Darcy Padilla

I stumbled on this yesterday while looking for some inspiration on a project.  This has got to be the most touching set of pictures I have ever seen.  It's about the life of a mother's experience through poverty, addiction AIDS and death.  This is also a story of one person's (the photographer) documentation of one's life unadulterated, and true to the very essence of the word. I would tell you the story myself, but it is best if you see it for yourself..

ALthough I got a little depressed after reading her story,  I can't say enough about the dedication and commitment of the photographer.  Here she documents someone else's life through everything.  I couldn't imagine how hard it would have been for the photographer's last set of photos in September of 2010.  I thought that she told Julie's story very well, while showing the world how life really is in this side of society.


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